Our goal is to replenish our national forests one order at a time. You can help us do that by purchasing your future flexible wood veneer, veneer panels, or edge banding from Oakwood Veneer.
We hope that by participating in the program we can give back to Mother Earth and give our customers the ability to have a tree planted that represents your effort in sustainable forestry practices.
How it works?
The process of giving back!
Make any purchase from Oakwood Veneer. It could include flexible wood veneer sheets, veneer panels, and/or edgebanding, and you’re steps away from giving back to the forests.
At the end of each month, we add
all orders placed and donate to the National Forest Foundation the equivalent to that in the number
of dollars. -
Your purchase with Oakwood
Veneer ultimately ends up as one
tree planted within one of our
national forests. -
With your help, the more trees
that are planted, the more we can
reduce our impact on the earth.

frequently asked questions
Why do you need to plant trees?
Every year, more and more of our National Forests are affected by natural disturbances that cause deforestation. Wildfire, insects and disease - exacerbated by climate change - are jeopardizing the very things that make our forests special. Planting trees helps restore forest cover to these lands, ensuring that our forests can continue to provide wildlife habitat, supply water to millions of Americans, and help fight climate change. Learn more about the benefits of reforestation on our website.
How does the NFF partner with the Forest Service?
The NFF is the only Congressionally-chartered organization solely focused on our National Forests. We don't duplicate the responsibilities of the Forest Service, but rather complement its work by supporting important initiatives like tree planting on our National Forests. For our tree planting campaign, the Forest Service identifies the areas of greatest reforestation need, sources the seedlings, grows the seedlings in a Forest Service nursery, contracts out the planting, and monitors seedling survival.
Where are the trees planted?
The National Forest Foundation (NFF) works with the USDA Forest Service to select planting sites on our 193- million-acre National Forest System where the ecological need is greatest. Many of our plantings occur in the Western U.S. where wildfires are driving reforestation need, but we plant in all regions, responding to where trees are needed most.
How do you decide where to plant trees and what trees to plant?
We plant trees in areas that have experienced a natural disturbance and only plant native and ecologically appropriate species picked by Forest Service professionals. Sometimes we plant only one species, sometimes multiple – every project is designed to improve ecological conditions for each specific forest.
Are planted trees going to be harvested or somehow managed in the future?
The NFF only supports tree-planting projects that improve the health of our forests. In some cases, the Forest Service may employ limited forest management in order to improve forest resiliency and reduce the risk of severe wildfire.
How do these trees help climate change?
Forests in the U.S. offset between 10 to 20 percent of U.S. emissions each year. Reforestation helps sustain and increase the carbon sequestration potential of our National Forests, mitigating the effects of global climate change.
Are seedlings monitored for survival?
Before seedlings are ever planted, the Forest Service is careful to plant only when conditions are optimal, ensuring the highest possible survival rate. The Forest Service monitors seedlings for several years after they are planted. They use random sampling and, if needed, will carry out follow-up care or install browse protectors to further boost seedling survival.
Can I choose where my trees will
be planted?The NFF typically pools smaller contributions and applies them to a suite of priority projects on an annual basis. However, we can arrange specific projects for our leading corporate partners who are able to commit to larger planting projects. In those cases, we can occasionally provide projects in the geographies that overlap with our partner’s interests.
How do I know that my trees were actually planted?
The NFF adheres to strict auditing guidelines. At the completion of each tree planting season, the NFF generates detailed reports about that year’s tree planting projects for our partners. Where has the NFF already planted trees? To date, the NFF has planted more than 17 million trees across thousands of acres of our National Forests. To see some of our project sites, visit our interactive online map.
Why are some areas reforested and others not?
There is a difference between the number of acres affected by disturbance and the number of acres that are in need of reforestation. Resource management experts at the Forest Service are careful to assess areas that are impacted by disturbances such as wildfire. In many cases, areas will naturally regenerate. Other areas require a more hands-on approach like tree planting. The NFF works with the Forest Service to address those areas that are in immediate need of attention following disturbances.
By planting trees, aren’t we just creating a fire hazard that will burn again?
Fortunately, no. Our tree planting campaign is addressing a real, stated need identified by the US Forest Service. Tree planting is a very important method to re-establish forest cover in areas where it was lost. Trees are planted at a density that resembles natural or historic conditions for optimal forest health. The Forest Service is the most advanced forest management agency in the world, and is mindful to not create fire hazards through tree planting.
Why does the Forest Service need extra money to plant trees, isn’t this their job?
While the Forest Service is tasked with managing our National Forests, the rate of deforestation caused by wildfire and other natural events has outpaced the agency’s ability to respond. There are currently more than 1 million acres of National Forests in urgent need of reforestation. That’s where the NFF comes in – we’re working to raise funds necessary to help the Forest Service reforest these cherished landscapes.
Where does the Forest Service get its trees?
The Forest Service operates six tree nurseries where it grows native tree seedlings for planting on National Forests. These trees are grown from locally sourced seeds, and the nurseries serve as research centers for the agency to develop disease-resistant strains of trees.
How does climate change factor into tree planting?
Climate change is creating new stressors for our forests by changing important environmental conditions like temperature and precipitation. The Forest Service actively considers climate change when selecting tree species and assessing site conditions. You can read more about the impacts of climate change and how foresters are responding on our website.
When are trees planted?
The Forest Service only plants seedlings when conditions are optimal and when a high survival rate is expected, typically in the spring. If your tree planting contribution occurs during or after the planting season, your seedlings will likely be planted the following planting season.