
The product images shown are for illustration purposes only. Wood veneer is a natural product and may vary from sheet to sheet.

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Bamboo Veneer - Natural Vertical

$165.22 - $514.30
Our wood veneer sheets are all in stock and usually ship within a few days.

Natural Vertical Bamboo veneer has a straight, 1/4" narrow band, thin strand, linear tight cane, blonde grain with random nodules. Natural bamboo color is a natural pale yellow, noticeably lighter in color than carbonized bamboo.

Bamboo is a highly sustainable veneer. Some species grow nearly a spectacular three feet a day during the growing season. Although bamboo is technically a grass, it has a woody stem, called a culm, that can be sliced and fashioned into a very attractive veneer. Strong and flexible, bamboo veneer is available in both natural and carbonized (sometimes called caramelized) color. Carbonized bamboo is a deeper honey tan to light brown. Planked bamboo sheets exhibit the familiar bamboo markings.

All bamboo veneer is available in 4’ x 8’ and 4’ x 10’ sheets, in your choice of a 10mil or 22.2 mil (Bubble Free Veneer) backer. 3M PSA (pressure sensitive adhesive), also known as sticky-back and peel-and-stick, is available by special order only. Special orders are non-refundable. All in-stock veneer is refundable for 365 days after purchase, with no restocking fee.