
The product images shown are for illustration purposes only. Wood veneer is a natural product and may vary from sheet to sheet.

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Cedar Veneer - Aromatic Premium

$185.28 - $389.60
Our wood veneer sheets are all in stock and usually ship within a few days.

For architects and designers specifying Aromatic Cedar Veneer, please reference product number DSV-5092.

Aromatic Red Cedar veneer

Aromatic Cedar (Juniperus virginiana) is just that, having the heady fragrance that is well associated with cedar chests, closets, and other cedar furniture.   Aromatic cedar is also called Eastern Red Cedar and is part of the cypress family. Aromatic Cedar showcases both the pink-red tones and the white sapwood making for a variegated look. In confined spaces, such as boxes or drawers Aromatic Cedar can cause finishing problems as the inherent resins can inhibit the hardening of oil-based sealants.

Aromatic Cedar Veneer is available is a premium grade in multiple sizes including: 4’x8’ and 4’x10’. Cedar Veneer is available with a choice of backers including 22.2 mil (BFV-Bubble Free Veneer), and Peel and Stick (PSA), a special order backing.