
The product images shown are for illustration purposes only. Wood veneer is a natural product and may vary from sheet to sheet.

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Cedar Veneer - Western Red Vertical Grain

£112.99 - £204.36
Our wood veneer sheets are all in stock and usually ship within a few days.

Western Red Cedar Wood Veneer 

Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata) grows on the west coast of North America, from southern Alaska through Northern California, and in the Rocky Mountains. The heartwood of Western Red Cedar has a very consistent reddish-brown color. Western Red Cedar wood Veneer is also called Vertical Grain Cedar. As the name implies, the grain is vertical with dark lines similar to pinstripes.

Western Red Vertical Grain Cedar Veneer is available in a standard grade 4’x8’ sheet. This Cedar Veneer is available with a choice of backers including 10 mil, 22.2 mil (BFV-Bubble Free Veneer), and Peel and Stick (PSA), which is by special order only.