
The product images shown are for illustration purposes only. Wood veneer is a natural product and may vary from sheet to sheet.

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Mahogany Veneer - Silky Highly Figured

$1,098.09 - $1,187.35
Our wood veneer sheets are all in stock and usually ship within a few days.

Silky High Figure Mahogany Wood Veneer is a different cut of Honduran Mahogany that brings out pleasant wavy patterns in the grain. Quartered Honduras Mahogany has a nice linear and straight grain. It is a beautiful wood and is a choice wood for cabinet makers.

Honduras Mahogany is many times called American Mahogany veneer and is found in Central and South America. It can be known as Zopilote Gateado, Araputanga, Agua Acajou, and Mogno.