
Wood Veneer Blog

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Veneer Thick Enough for Making Bass Guitars?

Oct 28th 2015

Question:I don’t know if you have a product that will work for what I would like to do. I make bass guitars and need a product that I can use to cover the back of my basses.I need a product about 1/8″ … read more

Veneering a Boat Cabin

Oct 28th 2015

Question:I am looking to line the interior of a boat cabin with wood veneer. I am looking for advice on the best type of veneer to use. It will be laid over rough fiberglass and needs to be flexible t … read more

Veneering over Acrylic

Oct 28th 2015

Question:Has anyone used a veneer on acrylic panels? I wonder if I need to do more than scuff the acrylic to make a good bond. Plus, would I need a special contact cement? Thanks for any input.Answer: … read more

Complex Inlay with Epoxy, Lasers, & Vacuum

Oct 28th 2015

Question:Hello, I’m interested in attempting a very complex inlay project. Back in high school I did two small inlay projects with about 6 pieces each using a solid veneer and contact adhesive. This p … read more

Can you apply veneer to plywood panels?

Oct 28th 2015

Question:How difficult is it to veneer 4′by10′ plywood panels for use in paneling walls?If possible, what would be the best technique, type of veneer, thickness of plywood, adhesive, and tools to use … read more

How Do I Splice Wood Veneer for My Project?

Posted by Jay on Oct 28th 2015

Question:I have a panel 14 by 24 inches to apply veneer to and two pieces of veneer neither of which are big enough to use individually but together they are ample. How do I splice them so that they p … read more